Skin Rash or Smelly Feet?

My best skin care Magic Fix: Goldbond Triple Action Medicated POWDER (powder only, the cream doesn't work anywhere near as well). You have those skin rashes or sore spots from tight clothes (read bras) or excessiv sweat from exercise or skin that rubs together? A quick sprinkle of Goldbond will take care of it within 24 hours! Immediate relief. It's like little microscopic balls that help cloths or skin glide along rather than sticking and stinging! It's not messy like the those thick creams that people use for diaper rash... Goldbond Triple Action Powder stings a little on first contact, but that's the medicine! Working already! The best prices for this are at Walmart! As a bonus, its the only thing to put into your shoes if you have problems with food odour! Through some in your shoes for a couple of days, it will kill the bacteria causing the odour, both in hyour shoes and on your feet. Sometimes I just sprinkle it generously on a towel, drag my bare feet through it, then put on my socks.... Simple, easy and EVERY EFFECTIVE.

Anne Radojcic

Exuberant 59 year old looking to make her 60’s the best decade yet! Armed with a great attitude and the latest and greatest science and technology info, the sky is the limit for good health and happiness right up to age 100! Come join Anne in her joyful journey…


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