Episode 1: Introduction


Hello Everyone! I am Anne Radojcic, and I want to welcome you to The Wise Woman’s Way podcast. A podcast dedicated to helping women (and men) navigate a happy, healthy, fulfilling life from age 50 to 100! Or rather, I should say, at least 100!

What 100 you say? What… well I could be glib and 100 is the new 65… but in reality, many of our parents lived well into their 80’s and 90’s. Why shouldn’t we outlive them? With modern advancements in science, neuroscience, technology, health care and open access to information, thanks to the world wide web…. There is no reason we all can’t grab onto all there is – and live to be 120 let alone 100!

Young men have been stealing the “biohacking” space – optimizing their health to run faster, be stronger, think smarter and now, pushing that into the longevity realm. They are talking about being able to extend life to 180! Why can’t we take advantage of that? The latest findings are 10-14 years away from becoming mainstream. Let’s find those to help eliminate unnecessary pain, eliminate bad moods, eliminate bad habits, sharpen our minds and strengthen our bodies!

O.K. …. So now you’re living to 100 in good health. How about happiness? We CAN increase the the level of joy and laughter - right up to the end! We can be productive! We can continue to contribute to our family, our community, our country. In work, in volunteerism, politics, the service of others or simply imparting the wisdom of our history and our life experience to our grandkids (which by the way, is a primary influence of childrens emotional stability. According to author Mark Batterson, he is quoting a study done at Emory University, they found that the best predictor of children’s emotional well being wasn’t the number of hugs and kisses they received, or what school they went to, rather a critical indicator of children’s well being is whether they know their family history). 1 Has someone taken the time to impart this to them?

So, back to the math - How many years do you have until you become a Centenarian? If you are 50 – you’ve got another 50 to go!!! And those are a full 50 years. From Birth to age 20, well, they don’t count for the most part… If you are 60 – you’ve got another 40 years! Even if you are approaching 70 – you’ve got 30 plus years! Think about this, a traditional career lasted 25 years… with 30 left in the hopper - you still have time to go back to school to get retrained even! You have time to do a fun job, a dream job, live your YET TO LIVED BEST LIFE yet! What could you do with all that time if you were feeling your optimal self? What interesting hobbies or activities have you not been able to fully explore or make time for? What languages have you always wanted to learn? Foreign places to explore? Well you can put it on your TO DO list because you have time to enjoy it all! IF YOU START NOW, to keep your brain sharp and your body mobile --- you will have the mental, emotional and physical whereabouts to accomplish anything you want!

So how did I stumble upon this approach to life and these supposed secrets? Well, I had a history of not feeling optimal. I didn’t look “sub- optimal”. I looked like a picture of health! But the fact was, that so many days I would make a plan to do things and pray – pray and wonder, will I have the energy and the wherewithal to see the list through? And the list wasn’t like the To DO lists I’m working through ferociously, these days - It was only the absolute must dos, not even the nice-to-do’s…. During my teens I had extreme PMS (Pre menstral syndrome) that rocked my confidence and sapped all my energy and had lasting effects on e v e r y t h i n g I did and all the decisions I made. Then hormone issues as a young mom trying to raise two children. Further challenges of ADD and diabetes in the family, severe weight issues and depression. I kept trying to find solutions. I just kept digging and digging. I learned more and more, but it was only recently that I uncovered answers and solutions to so much of what ails most of us, day in and day out. Young or old. BUT THE PROBLEM is that the knowledge and information is not becoming main stream fast enough!

The retail, main street medical system is 10-12 years behind the latest scientific breakthroughs. So with good health and up beat moods, so many other things are not just possible – they are possible and many more are also enjoyable! So back to the science, did you know that your whole body, every single cell, is recreated every 7 years (some things in your body are regenerated much more quickly, but absolutely everything would have gotten a make over at the 7 year mark….). So what are we going to do to make sure the regrowth/renewal/regenerated body bits and pieces, are reborn in their optimal state??? There are things we should definitely be doing that most of us aren’t! And most of us don’t even know that we can affect our “genes” that caused the cancer that killed grandma at age 70 – we can prevent these “bad” genes from getting expressed! Yes, we can suppress the bad genes if we want to!

Why should we live with the limitations that we were raised to believe must exist? Let’s break free from old mode of thinking. Let’s explore external, physical healing modalities from:

  • New age supplements

  • Tapping technique

  • Light therapy (that reduces wrinkles AND makes you feel good inside)

  • Music therapy

  • Accupuncture

  • Reiki

  • Heat therapy

  • Cold therapy

  • Grounding

  • Hallucinogens – ayawaska ceremonies anyone?

  • Massage therapy

  • Infrared Heat therapy

And then there’s what some people refer to as “whoo whoo” Internal or mental practices:

  • Meditation

  • Spirituality exploration

  • Gratitude

  • Affirmations

  • Power of positive thinking

  • Law of attraction

  • Self healing

Let’s explore some wonderful philosophies like Taoism, Stoicism and and of course, my favourite - my interpretation of the world -“ANNE-isms”! Wise Woman Isms? I’ll figure out what to call them – or you can message me to give me your opinion !!

Do you know what else I want to do? Keep some of my shares light an playful – I’ll share tips and tricks for rocking our everyday world:

  • How to host a dinner party at the drop of a dime

  • How to travel as a senior single

  • How to stave off a cold or flu “tout suite”

  • How to use the latest helpful technology…

Let’s share tips and tricks on maintaining a healthy outlook/perspective to keep your peace and balance when everyone else seems to be losing their mind.

Let’s work on changing the way the world sees older people, especially older women! (Do they even see us? I think we’re mostly invisible – advertisers ignore us except for incontinence products and as “dates” in Viagara commercials). We have so much to contribute to society – knowledge, expertise, helping hands and warm hearts with competencies and experience and wisdom galore!

Let’s leave God’s waiting room and create interesting cohabitation arrangements with family, friends or strangers with similar life styles and interests!

Let’s explore the latest gadgets for life extension – for general health, for fun. Let’s sign up for pickle ball, golf lessons, kayaking, cooking classes, language classes, art classes, yoga and tai chi.

It’s time to take control of all that affects us negatively and change that! We are on the precipice of personal greatness – let’s go!

Let’s get excited! Get heathy! Get happy! Work together! Travel together! Party together! Let’s support one another as we rock our 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and beyond!!!

Join me, Anne Radojcic on the “The Wise Woman’s Way” podcast to navigate you through this wonderful time! Hope you come back soon!

1 Batterson, Mark WIN THE DAY, p. 36

Anne Radojcic

Exuberant 59 year old looking to make her 60’s the best decade yet! Armed with a great attitude and the latest and greatest science and technology info, the sky is the limit for good health and happiness right up to age 100! Come join Anne in her joyful journey…
